
Are You in a Relationship with Someone who's Autistic?

  As we grow up, we learn about love from people around us, fairy tales and books, and the media. Many people learn that love comes rushing in without any warning and that you will “just know” when the right person comes along. It is not necessarily that easy or that obvious to find and maintain love for anyone, whether you are neurodivergent or neurotypical. If you’re autistic, you may feel perplexed by the seemingly convoluted ways your loved one communicates. If your loved one is autistic, you might be frustrated by their rigid habits or your feelings have been hurt by their very direct remarks. In such a relationship, it’s not uncommon for both people to wonder if things will last. Whether you are dating someone on the spectrum or you are on the spectrum yourself, communication is key. In that sense it is like every other relationship but with a few mindful exceptions… Challenges of Romantic Relationships on the Spectrum Everyone on the spectrum without exception has the capaci...

5 Tips to Manage your Procrastination

  We’ve all done it at some time or other. We put off our exercise routine until tomorrow, we continually delay finishing that project or starting that business. Procrastination is a common issue for people at work, home, and school. Procrastination takes many forms. At times, you may not even realize you procrastinate. You might be doing something that is still productive but takes you away from your goals and make justifications to yourself. We all do it! "At least I took out the garbage and did the laundry". Even though that project didn't get done once again. Y ou may also be procrastinating if you spend a lot of time on email or social media, fill your time with insignificant tasks, or wait for the right mood or conditions to begin a task. It is also important to recognise why you procrastinate so you can change your mindset. Common reasons for procrastination include fear of success, not enjoying the task/finding it boring, issues with organization, feeling overwhel...